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This summer the student ministry has a full schedule of great activities for our students. I want to highlight a few things that our students will be participating in. The first major event is VBS. This year's theme for VBS is perfect for teens in this day and age. Teens today are faced with all kinds of new ideas and the world telling them how they should think. God tells us that when we rely on him that his truth is all we need. 


After VBS we have camp. Each year we go to Camp Collide. This camp over the last 11 years has been a staple for Shady Oaks. Each year we take our students to this camp for a chance to learn, worship, and grow together. The camp atmosphere is like nothing else. When you have 600 plus students and adults in one room worshiping God, you can’t help but know God is going to do something incredible.

In July we are taking our students down to Marble Falls, TX, and partnering with the First Baptist Church of Marble Falls. They have just opened a new missions center in the heart of the town. We get to be the first group that will stay at the mission center and help get it running. We will have the opportunity to help in the food kitchen and spread the word about the mission center to the surrounding neighborhoods. 

Our summer activities may only be less than a month away from kicking off but I ask you to please begin praying  for everything God is going to do in the life of our students.